This is me

I spent my first 24 years surrounded by nature, huge mountains, farmland and cows. I was born in the little village of Simplon-Dorf along the Swiss-Italian border in the Alps. Growing up in a multicultural corner of Europe and traveling since I was young, I am fluent in five languages: Swiss, German, English, Italian and French.

In 2016, I made the big step to immigrate to South Africa. Since then, the Mother City is my new home. But, as time moves forward I'm feeling the urge to relocate back into nature and quiet rural areas. Currently I'm living back home in Switzerland.

I'm living a yogic lifestyle. I spend my free time in nature, reading, cooking, learning more skills and traveling whenever I can.

In the future I want to see and experience more of this planet and its inhabitants. I want to put my main focus on deepening my Sadhana (spiritual practices).

Like in life too in photography I like to go the unconventional way. I want to capture people, things and scenes with an unusual eye. I try to do this in a non provocative way to send a subtle but deep message to the viewer, inspired by spirituality, empowerment and natural beauty.

Isabelle Scotton

home sweet home